Notes on "Hardest Problem in Computer Science: Centering Things"

Notes on Hardest Problem in Computer Science: Centering Things
At first, I expected the problem of centering things with CSS, something that required margin:auto and similar hacks in the past but fortunately there are good solutions now. But no, this article is about a different topic.
The article describes a seemingly easy thing: you have a thing that you want to put in the center of an area.
Seems easy, right? No:
Apple can’t do it Microsoft can’t do it GitHub can’t do it Valve can’t do it Slack can’t do it Telegram can’t do it Google Maps can’t do it
And then it goes into a lot of details and examples where things go wrong with centering. It's full of images and reads easy, a great article!
It reminded me the Text editing hates you too article where the author showed how simple things like pressing down in a text editor or deleting a character is a problem that has no perfect solution.