How to periodically call a Lambda function
Configure a CloudWatch Event Rule to call a function according to a pattern

Timing events
Serverless architectures are event-driven, things start processing when there is something that triggers them. This makes it great to react to an API call, a new object in an S3 bucket, or a notification coming in a queue. But for scheduled tasks, such as triggering a daily backup or generating an aggregated seasonal report, Lambda needs a separate service to provide the events.
Fortunately, AWS offers such a service: the CloudWatch Event Rules. You can configure one to periodially call a Lambda function, among other potential event targets. It supports relative timing (run every 10 minutes) as well as absolute ones (run everyday at 3 a.m.). For the latter, it supports the CRON syntax, making it familiar to sysadmins.
This Event Rule is configured to run every minute (rate(1 minute)
) and it calls the function with the ARN on the third column:

As a general pattern in AWS, services need permissions to call each other. This is usually done using a role that the caller uses, but CloudWatch Event Rule targets don't support this pattern (even if there is a role argument, it does not work for Lambda).
For these cases, AWS supports a different mechanism: resource-based permissions.
Here, the Lambda function defines a permission that allows the
service to call it:

By itself, it would open the door for all Event Rules, so use the AWS:SourceArn
condition to restrict it to this specific target:
"ArnLike": {
"AWS:SourceArn": "arn:aws:events:<region>:<account>:rule/<rulename>"
The Lambda is called every minute: