Announcing: Building GraphQL APIs with AWS AppSync book finished
Learn how to build GraphQL APIs in the AWS cloud

I'm happy to announce that the book has now reached 1.0!
This means it is content complete and contains everything I wanted to include in it. It does not mean it can not be extended, but I don't plan to include any major topics that is not already included. It is more than 650 pages long (the PDF version) and includes 25 downloadable code repositories.
It was a long ride. The first commit dates back to Dec 1, 2021, which means I've been working on it on and off for 18 months. There were some major rewrites, the most notable when AppSync started supporting Javascript resolvers. That single feature warranted an almost complete rework of one third of the existing content.
In the end, I included more then I initially planned. I wanted to focus exclusively on the backend, i.e. how to write and deploy an AppSync API and keep the client-side out-of-scope. Then at some point I realized that there are unique challenges on the API consumer side that are important enough to include in the book.
And what about the future? I'll keep the contents up-to-date whenever something worthwile is coming, though I don't expect that AppSync gets big new features in the near future, more like small and niche updates.
Check out the preview chapters and get the book from: